2 thoughts on “Curate week 03 – Kina Yim”

  1. Hey 🙂
    I really love the experimentation and the imagination that went into creating the little creatures. I think you’ve used the resources you have really well and the photography of the images alter the perception of where they are in the room. The creation of a ‘story’ is really nice to change the space so that it is suitable for an exhibition.
    I think if you wanted to change anything maybe you could play around with scale of the images, does this affect the story and objects.
    Have a great week!

  2. Hello Kina,

    Your exhibition is really engaging and well thought. I really enjoyed seeing the different home creatures you made, as they are all so unique and interesting. This method of showing the objects is very creative. Also, the posters you made have a very vibrant look that grabs the attention and would definitely make me want to visit the exhibition.

    I really like how you put the different creatures into context by showing where they would live around the house.

    To make these creatures even more realistic, I think it could be interesting to add a small description of each one of them to tell the audience some key facts/details about them. What do you think? 🙂

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