Please note this is a WORK IN PROGRESS. Only 1 part is finished.

“Online Travelling That Gives You Opportunities To Look At Really Specific And Personal Souvenirs Around The World”

Alt title: “26 Things That Will Make You Want To Travel” (c) Lilli Fourmestraux

My outcome for the “converge” project is a website based off the concept of travel blogs and scrap booking. Most of the objects I chose were from other countries, and after peer suggestions I decided to steer the project that way as it would be interesting to convey the concept of travel to everyone who is stuck at home. The blog features the objects as ‘stamp inspired stickers’, along with illustrations and facts of the location they originated from.

*this is a work in progress, only the Africa and about pages are complete, as I did not want to rush the project, I hope you enjoy it* Below is what the page looks like. Click this link to access it, it only works on a laptop or computer..


By thinking about the meaning of tattoos to me, I decided to make a life archives about tattoos. Around the work of tattoos, I was tossing between three cities. Tattoos are more like a guide, catalyst, and witness. It led me to explore some cities and think about my life

W5 Exhibition Ismail


Travelling to London for the university was my first long-term venture outside my own city Birmingham, I was not sure on what to carry at the start of the academic year which ended up in me spending unnecessary spending money on moving stuff I did not use once in my time attending Central Saint Martins, so I put together a list of twenty-six items I am not leaving without the next time I settle in the city of London and organizing them in various ways using some of the aspects from the LATCH organization system (Location, Alphabet, Time, Category and Hierarchy) using a digital photobook.


week 5-Exhibit. Lisa


My outcome is a short video about memories and time. I decided to focus on Curate week. After looking through the house for objects. I came up with an idea of showing old and new objects. As at the moment I am in my grandparents country house, which is full of history and memories. At the begging, I had many ideas of how I could exhibit my project. My main idea was to photograph the objects outside in the field, But it was raining all the time. Even though, I am pleased with my outcome. It is simple and easy to understand the meaning.






This project recorded my experience of me returning to china from the UK during the COVID-19 epidemic. After been through three countries; UK. Sweden, China. I finally got home after 28 days since I left the UK, totally spending 28 days in a hotel and hospital. I recorded my life during this period to time as I think this is an unforgettable experience in my life