Amanda T – Week 2

For this weeks task, I created a mock-up of a fashion blog. I chose to present it in this format because when I was looking at my collection of random objects, I saw that there were a few accessories so I took them and translated them by exploring their properties and pairing them with a minimalistic outfit.

Process –

6 thoughts on “Amanda T – Week 2”

  1. I really like the approach you chose for this task. It feels very different and its nice to give some context to your objects. Instead of making a more conceptual/abstract piece, you actually invented an occasion to display your translations. There is a nice concreteness and thus smoothness to it. The composition is efficient, and I enjoy that it is not a 100% similar to what you could find in a magazine, but still your style.
    It also flatters the pictures. It was smart to put a lot of information at once in your paragraphs. Maybe some of them could have been put apart, so as to be more highlighted? Like size, or maybe some textures details?
    I like your drawings, too bad there’s not a necklace one!

    The only thing is that we kinda lose the catalogue idea with having one page per item. Catalogue (in my head) implies a multiplication of elements. And I actually wonder, is it like a big poster (like your pdf being one page could signify) or is it 4 different pages? How would you post it on a blog? The necklace and belt ones are not separated, but the shapes of the last one create a limit.
    The necklace bit being titled « necklace » also feels weird. Maybe « accessorize with jewelry » would have been better with the others being titled as advice.

    Overall I really like it and I wish you would have done it with all your objects! Giving this layout a purpose was very original, and so was making it a blog in times when printing is compromised and a lot is happening online.

  2. I love this concept and how you linked all your objects together to give them a purpose! Because of this you’ve given written detail as well as visual pieces of work, which i think talks more about the object to the audience. The colour theme is really nice and works well with all your objects and the photography, making it a very nice linear publication.
    I think moving on, with the interest of next weeks project, you could do a similar outcome to this by creating a whole magazine spread on elevating simple outfits, with more of whats in your wardrobe?! I think a 2 page A3 spread with everything put together would make the piece more visibly understandable.
    Just to give you an idea of what I mean:

  3. I really love the colour scheme! The orange hues compliment each other and the photography well. I like the fact the images have been kept simple and in your build up work you can see that there were multiple decisions made within the composition of your images. Also the illustrations work well within this, I think that it adds another dimension to the article whilst slyly adding another translation. For the writing, I like how you start off saying what the item of clothing looks good paired with, and how it can bring an outfit together as it feels like a fashion article. However, it feels strange as you start to say about its measurements and dimensions – especially at the end of the paragraph about the belt. It feels quite separate. Maybe there could be a separate little box on the page that looked something like:

    measurements: x y z
    available at: …
    year bought: …

    It might help the writing flow better in the descriptions you have for the objects because you can focus on the creative writing side, rather than trying to fit in the other translations. Just an idea, but other than that I really like the concept and I think it works really well visually!

    1. Your process work clearly shows the ‘journey’ of your work this week and the decision you made which improved the work, like changing the choice of objects.

      The idea of the “fashion blog” was good to tie the 3 chosen objects together and this worked well but does it include 12 translations of each objects which was the minimum requirement?

      You could have added price, location ( where is was bought), date it was bought, how it could change more than one outfit: casual, formal etc and a drawing for each object.

      You need consistency on each section with the titles one is the object and the other two are actions. The limited colour palette and design are effective.

  4. Your process work clearly shows the ‘journey’ of your work this week and the decision you made which improved the work, like changing the choice of objects.

    The idea of the “fashion blog” was good to tie the 3 chosen objects together and this worked well but does it include 12 translations of each objects which was the minimum requirement?

    You could have added price, location ( where is was bought), date it was bought, how it could change more than one outfit: casual, formal etc

    You need consistency on each section with the titles one is the object and the other two are actions. The limited colour palette and design are effective.

  5. Hi Amanda,

    The Art direction is really consistent and on point with the theme you want to convey (it also correlates with the colours of your items as well!). The layout just reminds me of those modernistic minimalist fashion magazines, the mutualistic typefaces and the images of differing sizes! Your choicing of typeface combination is very well though and evident in your process log along with the photographs and sketchbook planning as well .

    -You could try incorporate more translation processes into the publication, I’m sure they will work in your publication’s context!! Perhaps you could incorporate the others as a list like what Laura mentioned.
    -I can see multiple translations in your paragraphs but it’s quite hard to separate, you could use underline, highlighting or font/size changing to show it.

    *sorry for being harsh, I understand though, you mentioned changing ideas mid point in your process log to go for consistency*

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