1. Hey Macey,
    I like that you chose your objects randomly, so the categorizing of them is actually genuine. But it might not have helped you find an approach that really interested you/mattered to you?
    I feel since you all listed them in the publication maybe the names could have been in alphabetical order, to add another layer of LATCH?
    It’s nice to have a common background to all your pictures, and to have some of them in both colour and black&white, although you may have used the space for close-ups? or focusing on specific items from your selection? Maybe a bit of context? Whose keys are these? What do they open? What’s on the USB? Where does the fairy stone comes from? For us to “bond” with them more.
    Height order is an original way of classifying, I would have loved to have the dimensions of the first and last object to see the gap.
    I like the location categories as well. Maybe you could keep going with that direction, working around a map of your house, the rooms? What about the objects that were in neither the kitchen nor the bathroom?
    Finally, I think a less bold font would suit the project better!
    And maybe put the text more in relationship with your photos!

  2. Your collection is great! I agree random objects will make this project more diverse and allow you to expand going forward to next week. I like the idea of organising through size! I haven’t seen that been done by anyone else yet! As you’ve done more than one outcome (like me) I think it shows the diversity of your objects. I think moving forwards (I don’t really know whats happening next week but) choose a specific route of organisation and develop on that. Maybe making it a bit more graphical. I.e showing more information on specific size of the objects (a bit like info graphics). Over all though I think your objects and the organisation methods, rounded out into this publication is great!- you could call it “The book of mini things”- (like a book of many things- bad pun sorry!).

  3. Height order is SO CUTE I’m obsessed, I love tiny things so this way of classification makes the tiny items so much more special to me because they look so tiiinyyy, at the same time it also gives the “random” collection a sense of collectivity because it’s as if they’re working together to form this line. I think you were very creative with this approach as it’s not an obvious one.

    Suggestions – I’m not sure if the coloured & greyscale image is supposed to convey a message or if it does I’m not sure what the message is. I also don’t quite understand which LATCH method you chose for pages 5 & 7 or if it’s just a way of presenting the chosen items.

  4. Hey Macey ,

    Your miniature items concept is really cute. I like the sense of “specificity” that it establishes even though you’ve randomly selected all these objects. (I want to know what that tiny cheese grater is used for its so cute) There’s evident documentation of LATCH as well and the background is consistent throughout. It imbues the sense that these items belong to the same collection. For the categorisation part though, you could definitely play around with the background, Bring the location aspect in like photograph it in a kitchen or bathroom context. I’m subjective towards the cheese grater but all of these objects are so cute it would be really nice if in the upcoming projects you gave us more information about them-when were they obtained? Why? etc.

    Suggestions: I feel like the scale could be conveyed more effectively. Maybe you could put in other visuals such as a ruler/parts of yourself or something that has connotations to being small so people can know the scale of the objects in that specified context. There also might be a potential for creating a narrative with them due to their miniature sizes – you could link it to existing media texts that talk about tiny people (downsizing 2017, Tom Thumb, Gulliver’s travels etc ) and incorporate illustration as well in some way!

  5. A decent start to the project with a diverse collection of objects. The process work, which is just a couple of pages could be expanded and then your publication with your classifications of the objects should be separate. The ‘Height’ category is very clear but the change is lighting does effect how the sequence is read. It would be better if the light was consistent across the set. It is not clear why you have added pages with the objects cut out to white or why there are repeated images in colour and black and white? Ten of the objects are also organised by location, what about the other 16 objects. Where could they be placed in relation to location?

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