Amanda T – LATCH

Collect publication –

Process work –

5 thoughts on “Amanda T – LATCH”

  1. So many outcomes- I love it! All very clear what the concept was, which was helped with the information given. I think because you’ve given a few different organisation methods it helps me understand the objects more and their relation to you. I particularly like the ‘categorised by usage’ classification as its a more technical way of organising your work as well as helping you get an understanding of how important the objects are to you personally. I also think this would be a great bit of info graphics if you wanted to develop this on your computer to make a cool piece of design.

  2. I think that the usage outcome is something cool to look at because it would vary for different people, like something you use everyday someone else may only use once a week etc. you could create like profiles for people according to how often they use certain objects maybe? I also like the categorisation of colour, there’s something quite satisfying for me about there being a sort of rose gold / peachy colour that is so common throughout your objects, because it’s not the most common colour to find. I think that the fact you’ve used a wide range of different categories it shows that your objects can be quite diverse! I love the graph idea though, I think it would be cool to continue with this idea and possibly experiment with different themes from usage, or explore usage further as I said previously 🙂

  3. I somehow really like the objects you collected. There’s a warm and familiar feel to it. I think the background floor + rug also adds to it.
    Love the first page: nice introduction of your collection.
    It’s nice that you tried various methods to categorize and they all felt suitable. Having several items in a single frame instead of different pictures next to each other is also different and quite satisfying. The colour categories are super aesthetic. Material is also a quite original way of classifying and introduces a new aspect of the objects, a new relationship to it through feel.
    It could almost be categorized through all the human senses, as you’ve already kinda done sight and touch. Smell could be interesting, as well as sound.
    Shapes could create a nice composition as well, since you got so many of them!
    I would agree with the girls and say that the usage approach seems like the most appropriate and genuine because of how it talks about your relationship to the objects, and gives us two types of information at once (usage + location). Using a graph was also really smart in terms of efficient communication, and it’s amazing that you did everything irl and not digitally. Maybe you could have gone further and wrote the titles/captions yourselves as well?
    Anyway really like your attempt!

  4. There is a very clear correlation between your research, idea development and outcome. I like how despite them being random, there is a really clear “personal” and “homely” aspect to the items you’ve selected. I also enjoy how you’ve used LATCH physically What really interests me is the quadrant at the end and its categorisation system-how you’ve considered each object’s usage and “static” or “dynamic” locations. This is just a suggestion but the theme of could branch it off to how how and why you got each item. Was it a gift? Did your purchase it yourself?-if so why? (basically consumerist culture). In terms of how you could present it I feel like it could work both in a digital format and a more analogue/hands on one (since its there in your work too).So far your ideas have a really firm ground and a lot of potential to develop even further! if you have any questions about my feed back just text me!!

  5. It was good to start with a random collection of objects found around your house. It is also good that you used more than one method for classification: two straightforward ones: the colour classification is visually pleasing and then the final “usage’ one is more complex and shows real potential for further use and development. Also adding the ‘analysis ‘ of this categorisation was also good.

    Visually, the simple overhead view and geometric arrangement of the objects is good. I think it could have worked better with a plain, simple background: either a plain piece of white, grey, black ( etc) card so that the texture and colour of the wood floor was not interfering with the objects.

    The process document is a little hard to interpret and it probably needs some annotation to describe what is going on.

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