Catalogue / week 02 / Ceni Gulnihal Yesilbahar

This three object I choose to work with this week represents the three stages of the Shabbat Dinners that we used to have with my extended family. These dinners meant a lot to me, due to them being a time that I can spend time with the family members that I haven’t seen for a while. In the experiments that I have done, I tried to represent the times that we had in these dinners with different methods of presentation.


4 thoughts on “Catalogue / week 02 / Ceni Gulnihal Yesilbahar”

  1. Hi Ceny 🙂
    I really like your work! Your subject is really interesting and new to me and the objects you chose and how you ordered and presented them represent it very well! I think you created diverse methods to translate them and I especially like your print making ! I guess you could make your packing design using the pattern and try a few different colour schemes :))
    So nice and beautiful !

  2. The idea of connecting the objects chosen together was very good, the use of the text introduction for each object is very good and make the overall idea very clear. This conjures up an intimate and personal feeling which does not come across in the publication though.

    The simple design and presentation of the translations works well and is clear. Some of the translation are good especially the printmaking Good process work including your relevant research.

  3. Hey Ceni,
    I really love the theme, flow and translations of your publication. The translations themselves are executed very well, such as instead of just putting the numbers of the weight in you’ve put a shot of the scales themselves, it adds into your publication which feels very much full of life much better than if you’d decided to do a minimalist approach for this aspect. The flow of the whole piece is really lovely, nothing feels stilted or out of place throughout. The use of red as a colour to tie all the objects together is a really clever design element as well that definitely brings it home, especially with the beige tone for the background – very complimentary.
    The final page with just the L’chaim on it I must say is a beautiful, peaceful way to sign off the publication that solidifies the theme of your religion throughout.

    Do like the way you’ve got four translations per page and then just a full page for the title and description of the object, its a really nice contrast. However just check that all of the pages line up properly as they all seems to have different borders around them? Also just a tiny detail that could help perfect your writing would be to make sure you’re consistently putting a space after the numbers as some do and some don’t at the moment.

  4. I like how you arrange your experimentation in your publication, it looks very cohesive. I also like your chose of translation.
    I like your colour choice and how you made everything minimalistic.
    The type choice goes very well with the layout, objects and the colours

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