4 thoughts on “Filipa Faria – Catalogue”

  1. Hey Filipa,

    Interesting facts about your objects. Maybe giving them some air on the page would contribute to the publication. I like the typography you used. Also, the cat is absolutely adorable.

  2. Hi Filipa

    Your publication is quite nice, the lay out of pictures and words are clear, also the memories and stories of each items are interesting, l feel that will be good if can draw or film those items and other stuffs or events related them.

  3. Filipa!

    The progression from your previous publication is clear — the layout, arrangement of images, and this time text! The text contextualises the objects and provides the viewer/reader a way into the items.

    It would be good to read your reflection on this task — did you like the task? Why? Did you not like it? Why? Do you think it was successful? How? How did you arrive at the layout? What informed your design decisions?

    The relationship between the type and images could be further explored; did you explore different type sizes? Would a small type be more balanced with the image? Or a consistent left or right alignment? At this point seeing your process would assist, to understand how you have arrived at this.

    Each of your images are photographic, could there be other methods? The colour scale is also interesting, how could this be further explored? If you have paint available could you explore that? How can you explore non-computer experimentation?

    You have a strong sensibility for layout, so begin to experiment with it! And see where it leads!

  4. Hey Filipa, apologies for my late comment, lost track of time! :/

    The development of your Catalogue publication is really great, taking certain elements from your Collect publication. I love how we can truly see your surrounding environment, from living ‘objects’ (ie. the tree, and the cats) as well as the objects that have allowed you to remember special family holidays.

    Well done!!

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