Week 2 – Catalogue – Susanna Aurora Montaner Messori

Front & back cover of the book

For this week’s task I decided to present my publication in the format of a manual/book. I thought this was the most appropriate format, based on how I decided to present the different translations of the 3 objects I chose.

The printed size would be of an A5, as I want to communicate this publication almost as being a pocket book that you could bring around with you when you walk around the city, being able to read it to catalogue and translate objects as you go.

WEEK 2 – CATALOGUE – PUBLICATION: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XaSebrTCweofbVuEjj-Ygcczp2VV-ZjJ/view?usp=sharing

The following link shows the same publication as the link above, but this one can be seen as spreads, to get a better idea of how the manual/book would look like if it were printed.

WEEK 2 – CATALOGUE – PUBLICATION (SPREADS): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NGJu668SZxUJzHlDZ0HveunplvbxAk_o/view?usp=sharing

The following link shows some of my sketchbook pages to show my process for this week’s task.

WEEK 2 – CATALOGUE – SKETCHBOOK PROCESS PAGES: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kPqHXU3VjOqKTTYVBgTxoCWB_JPDvRJN/view?usp=sharing

4 thoughts on “Week 2 – Catalogue – Susanna Aurora Montaner Messori”

  1. I love the translation method “narrative” thats so interesting, as well as the dots ones, they work so well. My favourite method is the typo one, such a great idea to assign the objects shapes, it really ties in other elements of the course.

    The manual format is very effective it would be cool to see instructions along side the images, the format with all the images together is so nice at the end really helps compare. The process log is gorgeous I thought the format of that was so well done.

    If you wanted to take it further maybe you could explore different types of manuals e.g car or instructions and play around with the format making it relevant to the objects.

  2. Very detailed and well-organised publication into the possible translations of your objects.
    The use of text, layout, and images is really effective and gives the audience a clear sense of what you intended to communicate.
    The new entities section is really interesting, especially the one where you translated them into typographic letters.
    I thought the end bit of the manual is really clever, from including all translations in one page to concluding your thoughts and inviting the viewers to think.
    It is clear that you’ve made an effort to make the experience engaging.

  3. Hi Susanna! I love how in-depth you went with the research process and how many ways of translating them. Including each translation themselves had extra layers to them. Very organised and enjoyable process to look at as well. It communicated really well for the purpose being a mini guidebook, professional yet playful. Really liked the dot translation, something about the cleanliness is very satisfying to see.

    Overall, I think it is very well executed, you can play around with the colours a bit more in terms of the guidebook colour palette to suit the objects more 🙂 Have a good week!

  4. Very good work this week, the presentation of your translation into a book format was good. Some of these translations are straightforward and some of them are conceptually very interesting. The simple design is effective and well organised. You have applied the translations consistently to the chosen objects. As mentioned in other feedback it would be good to research other ‘manuals’ and their use of colour and design and bring this into your work.

    The section at the end is particularly strong and good that you pulled in memory which makes it more personal, overall very well done.

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