week 2 task catalogue

This week I’ve made a A4 sized landscape publication which is the same format as my sketchbook. I want to design something that is handy and personal to myself. I looked up this book and makes me think to do hand writing and lots of drawings.

My Diary
Mio Matsumoto
I got inspired by Matsumoto’s work. It’s really simple illustrations with her little hand written stories. It seems add some emotions into the printed book.

From the last week feedback, the survival kit idea reminds me to add specific description to my chosen item. I’ve also tried my best to make the drawing style consistent. I picked up three items based on the hierarchy of effectiveness and frequency.

Here is my publication link


5 thoughts on “week 2 task catalogue”

  1. Really nice publication, the handwritten notes make it so much more personal and I think your inspiration was well chosen. The connection between the amazing illustrations and the notes made it feel like I was reading a diary that you had written for yourself, making these objects seem so much more important. The composition of this publication is well used and if this was ever printed it would be a great little book that you could continue to develop in your own time.

    Moving forward with this it could be cool to incorporate some movement into your illustrations not necessarily a full video but small looping gifs that add more character to your illustrations. Maybe exploring a couple of methods that are out of your comfort zone could provide you with a new outlook on your objects and the best ways to communicate them.

  2. I really like the colorimetry and coherence of your sketchbook. The illustrations are again very beautiful and the whole publication is very well structured!
    It feels like reading a diary thanks to the handwritten notes. The translation methods are simple but the rendering is very personal. Moving forward, it would be interesting to see on which papers you can print it. I would say that some pages could have been printed on tracing paper ?

  3. Tina!

    Your illustrations are great! I love the line you use — especially when illustrating the silhouette of the objects — the black lines describe the form and structure of objects in a immediate way! Wonderful! This approach could/should be further explored! It brought to mind scale — these would look great large! Something perhaps to consider in the future! The method of describing the form, weight and structure of an object just using black lines is great!

    Have you come across this before? It is called Lost Formats and is a collection of silhouetted formats from Experimental Jetset:


    That collection is all vector drawings that are rather ‘cold’ representations of objects, your method of drawing is very ‘warm’! How could that method of cataloging / depicting your items work.

    Also I would like to read more about your reflections on the process, it feels as though you took great care and attention to drawing the JellyCat bunny, and it was interesting to read that it gives you a lot of comfort. Does the way we document/record/depict something reflect how we perceive/engage with it?

  4. I love your publication! It amazes me how the style of the book is so consistent, even though you have included many different ways to describe your chosen objects. e.g. you have drawn the object with a pencil, with a marker, in black and white, in colour, and you have also photographed the object, and put them all into one publication. But the big white space around them and your unique hand-written texts kind of connect them all together so that the style is consistent! Great job.

    I wonder why you’ve chosen those three objects. Are they related or connected in any way? Why those three? Why in that (bunny – cleanser – pear) order? Are they just randomly chosen from your 26 objects?
    I’ll look forward to see your ‘curate’ exhibition !! 🙂

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