2 thoughts on “WEEK 3 TASK CURATE”

  1. From your process work into your outcome, there is a journey that connects me to your work – being able to see how you have developed your idea. The concept of your room puts into perspective the different places where everybody is currently isolating and the fact you drew out a floor plan gives some scale and proportion to your room. Seeing the number of objects that you have in each area of your room allows us to build a visualisation of what it looks like, immersing the viewer into your work.

    The concept of a floorplan and bringing people “into your room” is definitely something you should explore further as I think the narrative that you could build alongside it would be strong. Your illustrations are amazing as every other week and it does create a clean visual style however some experimentation with other methods may be nice to see also. Look forward to next weeks outcome!

  2. What struck me immediately was how you managed to mix several categories of “LATCH”. The drawings are still as clean as ever and I find it very interesting that you’ve told a little story underneath each object.
    The color coding helps us to have a better vision of your project.
    It reminds me of a game? You could create a “fill the blank” exhibition where people have to place the objects on the floor plan of your room? It is kinda childish but it could be playful.

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