2 thoughts on “Filipa Faria – Curate”

  1. Filipa!
    Well done! You have produced a coherent body of work over the brief, each week you have pushed yourself into new spaces; from your first image only publication, to including text and commentary to the objects, to the website collection and finally to the illustrations of the items/objects. The presentation and convergence within the website is thorough, engaged and committed.
    It is evident that you are happy to experiment and explore ideas and approaches, I enjoyed your illustrations, especially the lemons! They would make wonderful screen prints! The project has yielded some exciting approaches, that all could be further explored and developed in the future should you wish.
    Your map and reflection is honest and provides a clear description of your journey through the project, it is great that your mother got involved in the animations! One small thing on your website is that I found it tricky reading text set in capitals, something to consider in the future.
    Great work Filipa!

  2. This is a great idea. We use the kitchen every day, and sometimes we forget where we put things, which makes some food expired and unusable

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