Converge / Week 4

First of all, I’m sorry, but I know my project isn’t completely finished…
For this last week, I tried to take the best things that marked each of my projects.
First of all, I focused on one scale and time and only dealt with things I had at home and used regularly. This helped me to make them my own and work on them more.
The geographical coordinates correspond to my address and I will find a way to perhaps understand this better…
Then, I tried to combine the fact that I like to write with some photos. The text/image relationship is what takes me the most time knowing that I’m not very confident . I don’t know if I want my final outcome to be a publication or just double-sided cards. Indeed, since last week, I have noticed that the way I categorise objects most often depends on something else: another object, a memory, a description? What I wanted to do is to have on each double page / card the object in itself plus the other thing related to it.

Every feedback is welcome :)) Thanks !

2 thoughts on “Converge / Week 4”

  1. Hannah!
    You have produced an exciting range of outcomes over the project — well done! Each outcome has been committed, engaged and enthused. Your final outcome is more poetic, more suggestive and more ambiguous than your previous outcomes — as I view it I can make the references to your earlier work, but I fear that a view who has not seen that work may miss out on fully ‘reading’ the publication. There is a fine line between how much we give, and how much we leave out, before the thing breaks, or the communication fails. It is something that you must negotiate, explore and test. The latitude and longitude coordinates asserts locates the objects/items with a global context, but removes the ‘local’ quality, i.e it is all in your apartment. Your initial publication situated your objects within that environment, your second publication framed your object through your family, this publication has abstracted those structures. It is visually exciting, but I fear that you have stripped away too much to anchor or contextualise the spreads. That said Hannah, it is an exciting publication, that could, should you wish, be refined to increase the clarity of communication. Great work Hannah!

  2. It’s really nice to see how you produced your final outcome by following your journey from week 1. The Page 3 with a background of paint stroke indicates the item and the way you used three different perspectives to record the location is very interesting and can be developed further. The hand written background with your photo has a really strong bond with each other. I also quite the visual effect of your last two pages, seem to have something link together but we don’t know? I love your publication with your great idea in it.

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