4 thoughts on “Polina Litvak”

  1. Hello Polina(/Gary)!
    I really like this visual, as well as the previous you created. There is a thoughtful relationship between the illustrations, the fonts and the pictures. You have a very strong and pleasing aesthetic, that really suits your focus on your grandparents/the past/nostalgia.
    Sadly the link to the video won’t work. Hoping to be able to see it soon!

  2. As mentioned before there is a consistency to the work, and the themes have developed each week producing new pages that all feel and look connected. Was the image on the first new page sent through your Great Grandfather?

    It is good that you diversified your output this week producing the film as well of your Grandma reading the memoirs of your Great Grandfather. The simplicity of this film is effective and the use of graphics at the beginning works well. Then the rest of the film has no subtitles or translation so it is hard to hold the attention of a non Russian speaking audience. Did you consider subtitling all the speech?

    It would be interesting to see if there is any way to combine some of the work from previous weeks with this film footage? It would also be good to add titles and credits. Again this could be in the style of the previous weeks work.

  3. Hello Polina,

    The final outcome you made is really beautiful. It is very elegant and through the choice of images you used, you created a lovely and interesting narrative.

    I unfortunately was unable to access the short video, as the link seems to not be working, but I saw the final publication on the Are.na channel and I think that it looks great.

    Throughout the weeks your work has been very consistent and has always successfully managed to tell an engaging story through the use of different visual materials, including the photographs, your illustrations and the different paper textures. It was great to see how your work developed during the overall journey of this platform. Really nice work 🙂

  4. Hey,
    I thought your video was really lovely, it would be nice to see if you could connect it with the images from the previous weeks.
    Your work has been very elegant each week and it definitely continues this theme its really nostalgic and I’m sure you’ve enjoyed learning more about your family.
    Have a great week!

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