5 thoughts on “Laura Hawkes | Week 4 | Converge Project”

  1. Laura! Still love this project. Great improvements, subtle but efficient, that give a good continuity to the publication. Love the front and back cover. Aesthetic on point.
    I do like the hard-back mockup, though I’d agree it straight away feels more industrial, less crafty. As you said, it’d be nice if you can ever get it printed, (on this kind of texture, recycled paper) and then bind it on your own! The japanese stitch was quite fitting the previous week.

    This is a great outcome and could become a great object! I would like to own it.

  2. Hi Laura šŸ™‚ I really enjoyed looking at your process map, I think you did a really good job putting this together since I can very clearly see the journey that you went through and since each process outcome is simple, this makes it really clear and easy to understand how you reached your last and final outcome! It’s really nice to see your work presented like this from start to finish especially since we (your group mates) have seen it and analysed it since the first week, it’s great seeing it in order. The layout also makes it look really clean and cohesive.
    For the final outcome, I love how you designed the cover, using the same clouds and patterns as the inside of the book, this is really important for books I think so that whoever buying it is not mislead- it gives a sneak peek of what the inside is like. I also love the changes that you made on your little head! Makes it look a lot more playful and crafty, adding personality to your own character. The mock-up that you did is really helpful in visualising the book as a whole and I agree that the idea of it being hand-sewn fits more with the crafty vibe of it all but I think the hardcover also works very well, I even think I prefer this one as its more durable and not so fragile/delicate considering itā€™s a childrenā€™s book – they may not appreciate or understand the effort that it took to put it together and flip the pages really roughly. Overall, Iā€™ve really enjoyed seeing your outcomes throughout the week, I’ve gathered that you enjoy working with soft colours and intricate designs and patterns which is very nice! As for your final outcome, I am a big fan of it and would definitely pick it up for myself or my little cousins šŸ™‚ amazing work!!

  3. Hi! I like the small adjustments you’ve made, even though last weeks outcome was really good! I agree with Lili that the hard back mock up looked good but I also think the binding style you’ve shown is more fitting. I think this is a really lovely design, and I can’t think of any improvements to give you! I can clearly see your journey through the project in your process map, and can see the decisions you’ve made along the way as well as feedback you’ve worked on. All I can say is that I wish I could see it printed! It’s been lovely looking through your work the past few weeks, and hopefully i’ll get to see more of it next year! šŸ™‚

  4. A very good decision to develop your story book this week, I also agree that it was your strongest outcome on the unit and included good elements from earlier in the unit. The subtle changes you have made have improved it greatly. The visual aesthetic of the book and the writing are very good for the intended outcome as a childrenā€™s book. The use of the printed textures and limited colour palette connects well to the ā€˜Charlie and Lolaā€ reference.

    The mock up of the hard back book is good but I agree that it would be nice produced yourself and hand sewn to give more of the craft aesthetic.

    Your process map works very well guiding us through your decisions and work produced on your unit.

    Overall, great work on this unit Laura

  5. Hi Laura, the mock up really strengthens the impact of your outcome. I can clearly see it being a hardcover like the illustration book you got its influence from (I forgot its name but I remember having those as hard covers in the library). Although, I agree with what Lilli said as well, the Japanese stitch/binding method gives it a more personal aspect and maybe you could print it on to off white! Other than that it’s a very beautiful, personal and nostalgic outcome. Adding on, the process map is really well laid out. You’re conveying info about diverse items yet you’ve done it in such a tidy and concise manner, theres evidence of decision making in the routes you have taken. It’s been a pleasure to have been in the same mini group as you and I hope to see you in studios(if we can go back in sept, otherwise see you in BB collaborate ahah!)

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