Household paraphernalia

This project called for us to sources 26 objects. I decided to search throughout my house for interesting items. I found a wealth of objects in my house and decided to pair elements together to shoot for my double page spreads.

Initially I sketched out a rough dummy booklet to guide me then I took the photographs using natural light which added to the nostalgic feel of the items I was using as most were vintage finds.

Please click below for my pdf.

On bringing the items together I decided to number them and reference them as figure 1, 2 ,3 etc. which again helped to embrace the retro feel enhanced by using Snell as my font.

I loved the idea of a table of contents, so I have added this to the last page for anyone curious to see exactly what these objects are. I feel that I could further the booklets design a lot further but for now this is what I have created.