Collect – Week 1 task / Ceni Gulnihal Yesilbahar

I started generating ideas for the “collect” task and I started analysing the objects that I have in my immediate reach. I realised that we have a lot of potteries, my mother collects them and keeps them for “special” events. This idea of keeping things for “special events ” made me start thinking when we will be using them next? when we will be having those occasions, gatherings again? so are they useless now?. These questions made me look at these objects from a different perspective and I realised that it’s not about how special the moment is it’s more about how important the guests are, why are we only using our valuable things when we are trying to impress other people?


3 thoughts on “Collect – Week 1 task / Ceni Gulnihal Yesilbahar”

  1. A good document of your process work for this week. It was interesting to base your collection on the things that your mother keeps for special occasions and this naturally connects to the idea of Hierarchy as a way to categorise them. The idea to shoot them all simply on a white seamless backdrop was good. This is ideal for the “typology” approach to this project. There is a little inconsistency in the quality and colour of lighting in the series which does become a bit of a distraction.

    Ideally you needed a flatter background without the creases and then one light source that does not change. Some look to be lit with daylight, some with artificial tungsten light and other with a mix of the two.

    In terms of the layout the use of scale adds it own sense of hierarchy: larger images seeming more important, make sure that does not interfere with your intention. It would make sense of each numbered category to have images of the same size. Also be wary of arranging images and text across the gutter: this is the joining between pages on a double page spread and when printed you can lose information into this gutter.

  2. Hi Ceny
    I am sorry that I gave you the feedback of second task earlier than this.
    It is good to see the exact shape of your objects, because I didn’t see them from second work so I was curious haha.
    I like your concept and your perspective about the importance of people.
    Really nice :))

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