5 thoughts on “W4 Converge / Em Brooks”

    1. Lili thank you! I accidentally made two sites and one of them didn’t have the upgrade! All sorted now, hopefully it should work?
      Thanks again πŸ™‚

  1. Em
    Lots of great insight, reflection and observations. Your outcomes are very ethereal, snippets of photography and intimacy. It does require the viewer/audience to guess, or project meaning onto what you are showing. The meaning is not explicit, rather you are implying meaning but it’s not really clear or presented. Is this the intention? It is evident that you are a keen reader and writer, how could have those surface more? In your first outcome you reviewed and presented books that you are reading, which revealed a lot about you and how you see the world β€” they represented you. In your subsequent outcomes you present yourself and do not surface, other than your jewelry, the books that mean something to you. That said in your reflection you are very aware of this. Exciting work Em, and thanks for your efforts, commitment and engagement in the project.

  2. Em, well done on connecting two things that are not very easily put together – jewelry and books. I guess the only thing that could tie it together is a deeply personal approach, which you successfully showed on your website. This final outcome has a more solid editorial look. Well-chosen stop frames of your moving image.

  3. Perhaps using books to make jewelry is another way. If books are burned to ashes, as technology allows, the ashes are made of carbon and can be made into gems through heat and compression

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