Converge week 04 – Kina Yim


100 words evaluation

My final work is a short illustration story of my journey throughout these four weeks, mostly focusing on the curate week. After watching the Netflix series “The Midnight Gospel”, I was thoroughly inspired to encapsulate certain themes such as philosophies upon discovering the truth of life and their style in my illustrations. Turning my curate week of exhibiting my collage creatures around my bedroom to a broader lens, from bedroom to the universe. I pushed the idea of “bringing life into the objects” quite literally in this illustration, hope you enjoy!

Journey Map

FInal Illustration

3 thoughts on “Converge week 04 – Kina Yim”

  1. The book produced this week is entertaining but feels like something completely different.

    I think the way you have worked on this unit from the beginning was really interesting connecting with 26 people online and making them ‘collaborators’ on your project. As mentioned previously, this approach only came across in the process work and not the final outcomes. So this could have been a good opportunity to really illustrate the approach to took to this work.

    The book does introduce the concept in an abstract way, when it is the personal digital connections and interactions which were really interesting. There is probably a way to add the 26 individual connections into the story produced and you could have also added some categorisations into the story.

    It does look Like you had fun and have obviously done a lot of work on the unit.

  2. Hello Kina,

    Amazing work. I really enjoyed reading your publication, as it took me on a fun and colourful adventure through the different stages of your journey through this platform.

    The illustrations look great. The colour choices, the typeface used and the overall style of the illustrations in my opinion work really well together, creating a strong outcome that is engaging and really interesting to read.

    I also really liked that you created different planets for each group of unique creatures, as it helps give context to where they live, completing well the narrative being told.

    I think that every outcome you produced during these weeks has been very unique and creative. It was really nice seeing how your ideas developed from week 1 until this week’s final outcome. Great work 🙂

  3. Hey Kina,
    Even though this is so different from all the other week I absolutely love it. The colours and illustrations are great and I can definitely see you inspiration from the midnight gospel! I think it completely brings together all the weekly tasks and communicates it in a fun way.

    The style is really strong especially the combination of the creatures you created and the new comic book feel. It’s so unique!
    Have a lovely week!

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