Please note this is a WORK IN PROGRESS. Only 1 part is finished.

“Online Travelling That Gives You Opportunities To Look At Really Specific And Personal Souvenirs Around The World”

Alt title: “26 Things That Will Make You Want To Travel” (c) Lilli Fourmestraux

My outcome for the “converge” project is a website based off the concept of travel blogs and scrap booking. Most of the objects I chose were from other countries, and after peer suggestions I decided to steer the project that way as it would be interesting to convey the concept of travel to everyone who is stuck at home. The blog features the objects as ‘stamp inspired stickers’, along with illustrations and facts of the location they originated from.

*this is a work in progress, only the Africa and about pages are complete, as I did not want to rush the project, I hope you enjoy it* Below is what the page looks like. Click this link to access it, it only works on a laptop or computer..


Puthimart week 3: C U R A T E


Hi everyone, here is my outcome for week 3. It’s influenced by vintage stamp design as I was going for the theme of being “international” amidst a pandemic where you’re all kinda stuck at home. You can find more context in my process log (added later) but right now I’ll just leave you with the outcome-I want to know how effective it is without the aid of context


The title is a spoof of “Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego” . Enjoy

YOU CAN GET THE PROCESS LOG HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h1bTGSeP4juNZ-FKHqjsWVVir0liiXK-/view?usp=sharing

PUTHIMART//What If Carravagio was a Straw Lemur?: 12 ways to translate 3 continentally diverse objects

My 3 objects were influenced by week 1’s feedback that mentioned making it have a international theme, especially in times where you are stuck at home. I decided to split the objects continentally and pick the one i felt I was most suited with. The 12 translations include stuff mentioned on the brief along with my own ideas as well including making it into a meme or exercise move. 

The 12 translation processes done to each object includes: Biological Classification, Weight and size, Colour pallet fabrication, an ‘anatomy’ diagram, speculating how its been produced, multi angle photography, story writing, meme making, Making it an exercise move, A low cost cosplay, alternative uses and making it into “art”

Here is my process log for week 2, it might help with the outcome’s context if you read it first.


In terms of presenting the outcome, I wanted to show it as something that worked seperately and as a big image, being influenced by Alchemy and Ancient Egyptian illustrations, and so I decided to use a Concertina fold on a piece of A3 paper, splitting it up into 12 divisions. One for each “translation”. . I’ve found that my ideas develop as I work on my outcome so I will link them in chronological order.







hope you guys enjoy my memes

Puthimart(Bamm)///26 Things You Can Find in a Downtown Bangkok Apartment: A partially randomised atlas

VIew the process log here so you have more context. Please look I  spent alot of time. 


“This document contains 26 artefacts sampled from an apartment unit in Downtown Bangkok, Thailand in the 4th month of 2020. A time of a global pandemic, economic instability, social distancing, 10 day booze bans and the government asking for the assistance of ‘Meme Superstars’ to help raise awareness on ‘Flattening the curve’. These artefacts, partially thorougly selected and partially randomized by conversations or finger pointing may or may not accurately represent the Socio-political context of the said area and time frame. With this in mind, the researcher attempts to sort these items according to the system of ‘L.A.T.C.H.’ It is a mixture of fact and opinion. “

A mock up which groups the 26 items in terms of the continents where they were obtained. The key on the left side of the page specifies what each item is and which country they’re from. Also I would like to apologise for the average quality image. It looks way better in InDesign!!