4 thoughts on ““16” Page Publication George Macland”

  1. Really strong publication, even though its 28 pages it doesn’t feel 28 pages long with the way that you’ve organised your work. Closest – Furthest away is an interesting way of allowing an audience to create a visual picture of your desk, the comments below each item make me think that you’re picking them up one by one and talking about them. The imagery is really clean, highlighting all of the details of the object which allows us to appreciate it more.

    Could be interesting to measure the distance and add that to your comments, build up a clearer visual of what your desk is like, Chaotic? Clean? Look forward to seeing this project develop further especially with the eclectic mix of items that you’ve got.

  2. Your collection is very cool and interesting. The little bracket under each item seems to be your description of it.I quite like it as it’s your own thought of the item. Maybe you can also add some texts to tell why it appears on your desk.
    For the publication, these photographs are very nice and provide audiences the chance to get detailed observation of the item.Could be interesting to read the exact measurement from your hand to the item and how it arrange on the desk.

  3. Hello George !
    Your publication is sharp, just like your photographs, where the shadow becomes part of your picture. I like how you have structured the captions of your objects, which makes them more personal and brings your touch of precision. It’s clear that you used the “L” position but you could also play with time. How long does it take you to catch them? Is there always a link between time and position?

  4. The objects on your desk seem to be a great reflection of who you are! It is a great approach to the brief; it reveals your interests, experiences and way of seeing the world! Did I mention the wonderful book by Daniel Spoerri called ‘An Anecdoted Topography of Chance’? In which he did a similar procedure, and added a textual narrative of each of the objects. I think you could have further interrogated the object and their relationship to the desk — where on the desk are they? In relation to each other? What does the actual desk look like? Where is it? When or where did you get the objects? How often do you use them? Could/should this be added? Would it provide additional information/context?

    A note on the type, did you explore a fixed / consistent location for the text? It may be worth exploring this. In addition the images — scale seems to shift, could/should relative scale be consistent?

    A great start! And I love that album too!

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