Week 3

Here is a really rough edit of the sort of idea I was going for. The illustrations took much longer than I thought so I missed out 3 so I could still submit some work. I was a bit over ambitious for the timescale.

The idea is that most of the items I have are cards and I thought about how these cards of our lives could be made into playing cards. This also takes into account the theme of anonymity as some cards are hidden in card games. Ideally I would want to exhibit it as a mock up casino but I don’t have those things at home haha.

I’m not happy with the outcome so far and there are lots of things I need to add and change but I still wanted to show some work./

  • add sounds and audio
  • make the editing smoother and more consistent
  • make the colours more consistent

2 thoughts on “Week 3”

  1. Hi Jasmine!

    Very interesting concept, I love playing cards and it works well with keeping an audience engaged, everyone likes games and interactive pieces. For the consistency of the cards, you could bring back your week one theme of airport scanning look as an option, just an idea 🙂 And for the video, maybe include some sort of explanation to how the game works. Looking forward to the outcome! Have a good week!

  2. Hello Jasmine,

    This set of cards that you created looks great. The illustrations are very well done and make it feel as if it were a professional product already. The video is well paced, and it successfully shows how the cards would be used.

    Also, I read in your sketchbook that this idea allowed you to use a software you were not very familiar with, which is great, as you challenged yourself to learn a new skill in a short time.

    An interesting idea would be to design the packaging for the cards and maybe add some instructions on how to mix and match the different images on the cards when using them. What do you think? 🙂

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