List of 26 of my Items

All 26 of these items are objects that I plan on to bring with meet to London after the convid-19 has been defeated.

1. Supermalt
2. Slippers
3. Stress ball
4. Documents
5. Off black tea
6. Baby Christmas tree
7. Alarm clock
8. Family picture
9. Glasses
10. Lucky Watch
11. Phone
12. Rice cooker
13. Toolbox
14. Wallet
15. Pencil case
16. Coconut butter
17. Flask
18. Weights
19. Xbox One
20. Laptop
21. Ironing board
22. Gown
23. Earphones
24. Doorag
25. Suitcase
26. TV

I ain’t sure if I’m posting to the right place or if it’s presented in the correct way, sorry for being late to the party and good day to you all.


I decided to look the collection of packaging in my house thats being collated since lock down has started and the shops have shut. As my starting point I decided to photograph the packages and I edited some in photoshop. Then organised them in colour and size. Looking at the ‘C’ in LATCH I thought I’d experiment with the presentation of the boxes the colour, brand/company, size and material.

Here are a few I’ve sorted:

Puthimart(Bamm)///26 Things You Can Find in a Downtown Bangkok Apartment: A partially randomised atlas

VIew the process log here so you have more context. Please look I  spent alot of time.

“This document contains 26 artefacts sampled from an apartment unit in Downtown Bangkok, Thailand in the 4th month of 2020. A time of a global pandemic, economic instability, social distancing, 10 day booze bans and the government asking for the assistance of ‘Meme Superstars’ to help raise awareness on ‘Flattening the curve’. These artefacts, partially thorougly selected and partially randomized by conversations or finger pointing may or may not accurately represent the Socio-political context of the said area and time frame. With this in mind, the researcher attempts to sort these items according to the system of ‘L.A.T.C.H.’ It is a mixture of fact and opinion. “

A mock up which groups the 26 items in terms of the continents where they were obtained. The key on the left side of the page specifies what each item is and which country they’re from. Also I would like to apologise for the average quality image. It looks way better in InDesign!!

26 special objects.

These are 26 items I collected from my flat in Paris. They all mean a special thing to my eyes ans they all have a story behind them. For exemple, the paint tube and the hard glue remind me of my intense Foundation year, the metal champagne cork cap was on the bottle my mom opened when I was accepted at CSM… I decided to explore some design for each”LATCH”category.

Household paraphernalia

This project called for us to sources 26 objects. I decided to search throughout my house for interesting items. I found a wealth of objects in my house and decided to pair elements together to shoot for my double page spreads.

Initially I sketched out a rough dummy booklet to guide me then I took the photographs using natural light which added to the nostalgic feel of the items I was using as most were vintage finds.

Please click below for my pdf.

On bringing the items together I decided to number them and reference them as figure 1, 2 ,3 etc. which again helped to embrace the retro feel enhanced by using Snell as my font.

I loved the idea of a table of contents, so I have added this to the last page for anyone curious to see exactly what these objects are. I feel that I could further the booklets design a lot further but for now this is what I have created.